Feathermane Soul Wisdom

Feathermane Soul Wisdom@FeathermaneSoulWisdom


Season 1 episodes (3)

Rethinking Our Spaces

Rethinking Our Spaces

In this episode, probably the first of a few part series, I talk about what it means to rethink our spaces. If we are to move in and through the world as our authentic, embodied selves, then we need to create spaces that allow for this and do so in a way that welcomes everyone to be their own authentic selves. I know this is a deep topic, and one I can’t possibly begin to tackle in 20 minutes, but hopefully I can begin a conversation that will continue. What would recreating spaces look like to you? And how would you recreate the spaces you in habit on a daily basis? Let’s move toward authenticity together.

Why Regulating Your Nervous System Comes First

Why Regulating Your Nervous System Comes First

There are three things that have to go hand-in-hand for us to step into our authentic, embodied selves. The first two are authenticity and embodiment. The last one? Nervous system regulation. If we’re stuck in fight or flight mode, then we’re not going to be able to unpack the stories that are keeping us from reclaiming our power and reconnecting with our stories. If we’re stuck in a fawn or freeze response, then we will struggle to realize our inner divinity and be able to set boundaries and connect with our inner self. And yet, so much of our society is designed to separate us not just from ourselves and each other, but our own innate divinity and spirituality. This episode is a first look at how these three things go together and why it’s imperative we work on engaging our parasympathetic nervous system so that we can begin to rest and have the time and space to explore who we really are.

What does it mean to be AutiSpiritual?

What does it mean to be AutiSpiritual?

The term autispiritual picks up on the tradition of such words as neuroqueer and autigender where our neurodiversity and/or autism directly impacts our experiences as queer individuals or our experience of our gender. Autispiritual means that our autism impacts our spirituality. To broaden it we can talk about neurospiritual where our neurotype impacts our spirituality. The two often go hand in not just with how we see divinity, but also our relationships with religion and religious organizations. In this episode, I break down what it means to be autispiritual and how that might impact our spirituality.