The Write Talk Wednesday Show

The Write Talk Wednesday Show@MCNWTW


Season 2 episodes (10)

Interview with Frances Billinghurst

Interview with Frances Billinghurst

From Frances Billinghurst: I am an author, metaphysician, and initiate of a modern Mystery spiritual path with ancient influences residing in the Antipodes, south of the equator. I have long been drawn to the Mysteries of the cosmos - regardless of how they have appeared through myth and legend, sacred symbolism or in the liminal dreamscape. This has led to the study of various esoteric and occult sciences, with being initiated into a number of traditions that focus around understanding these sacred portals between the worlds. The books I write are based on my explorations, personal discoveries and research, often from the perspective of living south of the equator, as well as from a personal embodiment, or lived experience. Books featured on our podcast: Call of the God: Encountering the Dark Goddess: Contemporary Witchcraft: Dancing the Sacred Wheel: Author Links: Author Amazon Link: Author Website: Author Socials: YouTube - Author FB - Mystical Soul Academy web page - Mystical Soul Academy newsletter - Mystical Soul Academy FB - Temple of the Dark Moon web page - Temple of the Dark Moon newsletter - Temple of the Dark Moon FB - Etsy Store - Return to the Mother online summit -

Interview with Elen Sentier

Interview with Elen Sentier

About our Guest: After a quarter of a century of working in corporate managerial and software engineering roles with the Ministry of Defence I knew I had to get out - but I can be very stubborn, and fearful of change. I hung on, waiting for a Round Tooit to come along but, as you know, they’re’ just about extinct! Eventually, it got so bad I ended up crippled by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis plus a whole set of add-on autoimmune conditions. I gave up my stubborn resistance and let otherworld to lead me towards a much more satisfying way of living. I got medically retired, but I can’t sit around doing nothing! So I became a transpersonal psychotherapist and began offering the old wild-heart wild-magic I was brought up in twined with the transpersonal skills, as a new way of living magically. For the past 30 years I’ve helped so many people - who’ve all, in their own ways, gone though similar self-discoveries - to thrive. Books featured on our podcast: Elen of the Ways: The Celtic Chakras: Following the Deer Trods: Author Links: Author Amazon Link: Author Website: Author Socials: Facebook: YouTube:

Interview with Sandra Bond

Interview with Sandra Bond

About our Guest: When I was eleven, my school held a mock-census. One of the questions — a very obvious question to include — was “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There were the usual answers you’d expect; soldiers, firefighters, pilots, and the inevitable wit who put “A man”. Out of the whole school, over a hundred pupils, only one person put “Novelist”. (Not even “writer”, you’ll note. “Novelist”.) If you guessed that one person was me — well, you win a no-prize, I suppose. I bowed to pressure and went off to be a lawyer instead, but sanity prevailed and I got out of the legal racket to find a career that left me with enough spare brain-power and time to write. And so I write; sharp, distinctive fiction, most often in my first love, the science fiction and fantasy genre. My first novel, The Psychopath Club, appeared in 2021 from The Canal Press. The same publisher, failing to learn any better, is also responsible for The Devil’s Finger (2023) and Three Men In Orbit (forthcoming, August 2024). Doffing my novelist’s hat and replacing it with a poet’s one, I’m also the author of Poetry Slum, a collection of verse covering a broad range of topics, most of them controversial or argumentative. (I don’t see much point in cosy poetry). I continue to pen poems alongside my fiction, and I expect I always shall; prose I have to work on, but poetry just happens to me. Books featured on our podcast: Three Men In Orbit: Author Links: Author Amazon Link: Author Socials: Facebook: Mastodon:

Interview with Taedis #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Taedis #WriteTalkWednesday

Content Warning: This episode talks about erotic writing Books featured on our podcast: Skeleton Town: Author Amazon Link: Deviant Art: Anthology (Lulu): About our Guest: Metaphysical engineer (aka writer) focused on macrophilia and gender bending fiction. I’ve been trying to make Sizence Fiction a thing, but it isn’t happening. You may know me from SizeTwitter, the SizeRiot writing contest, or the person in the yellow top hat at SizeCon. Bluesky:

Intervie with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

Intervie with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

Aborigen is a writer, editor, and author of Holiday Bonus, As for Ginny, and We Come From Somewhere This Was Real. With over two decades of dedicated experience, he has crafted and honed a unique niche within size fantasy, centering his stories on the fascinating dynamics between gigantic women, shrunken men, and tiny people. Through these narratives, Aborigen explores profound themes such as mercy, prejudice, and the complex relationships that arise from a world shared by both colossal and diminutive beings. A world-traveler and combat veteran, Aborigen holds a BA in creative writing, reflecting his scholarly approach to the intriguing subject of giantesses and tiny people. He successfully ran a quarterly flash fiction contest for Size Fantasy writers, encouraging others to delve into this captivating genre. Successfully, in that it motivated struggling writers to meet deadlines and consistently produce completed work. Aborigen resides in Minneapolis, MN, alongside his brilliant, beautiful wife and two spirited cats. His home serves as both a creative sanctuary and a base from which he continues to explore and contribute to the ever-expanding world of Size Fantasy, where the whispers of tiny people and the footsteps of giantesses echo through the pages of his works. Author Links: Author Website: Author Socials: Podcast: Mastodon

Interview with Morgan Diamler

Interview with Morgan Diamler

Morgan Daimler teaches classes and writes about Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects. Morgan’s writing has appeared in a variety of magazines including Pagan Dawn and Witches & Pagans, and anthologies including Naming the Goddess and Harp, Club, & Cauldron. Morgan is also the author of a variety of fiction books such as the urban fantasy/paranormal romance series Between the Worlds, and non-fiction through Moon Books including bestsellers Fairy Witchcraft, Pagan Portals: The Morrigan, Pagan Portals: Brigid, and Fairies: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk.. Books featured on our podcast: Murder Between the Worlds: The Morrigan: Celtic Fairies in North America: Paid with a Kiss: Author Links: Author Amazon Link: Author Socials: On Facebook: On Instagram

Interview with Ellen Evert Hopman

Interview with Ellen Evert Hopman

About our Guest: Ellen Evert Hopman, is the author of a number of books of Herbalism and Celtic lore and has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990. She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and has presented on Druidism, herbal lore, tree lore, Paganism and magic at conferences, festivals, and events in Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and in the United States. She has participated in numerous radio and television programs including National Public Radio’s “Vox Pop” and the Gary Null show in New York. She presented a weekly “herb report” for WRSI radio out of Greenfield, MA for over a year and was a featured subject in a documentary about Druids; A&E Television’s; “The Unexplained” (Secret Societies, The Druids and the Knights Templars original air date 4 March, 1997) he is a Master Herbalist and a lay Homeopath who holds an M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling. She is the former Archdruid and founder of Tribe of the Oak (Tuatha na Dara) and a founding member of The Order of the White Oak (Ord Na Darach Gile) and its former Co-Chief, a Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri, and a Druidess of the Druid Clan of Dana. She was Vice President of The Henge of Keltria, an international Druid Fellowship, for nine years and has been at times a member of The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF). She is a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages. Ellen Evert Hopman is a voice for Herbalists and Druids in modern society and is the author of a growing number of books. Books featured on our podcast: Once Around The Sun: The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas: Celtic Druidry: Author Links: Author Amazon Link: Author Website: Author Socials: On Facebook: and On Instagram On Goodreads At Inner Traditions At Simon and Schuster At Findhorn Press Wikipedia page

Interview with Irisanya Moon

Interview with Irisanya Moon

Books featured on our podcast: Iris: The Norns: Gaia: Artemis: Author Amazon Link: About our Guest: I’m an author, Witch, priestess, international teacher, poet, and initiate in the Reclaiming tradition. I have served the godds, my community, and the Earth for 20+ years. I am a devotee of Aphrodite, Hecate, the Norns, and Iris. My pronouns are she/they. I am passionate about the idea that life is, and I am a love spell, a dance of desire and connection, moving in and out of the heart, always returning to love. My teaching/facilitation style is immersive, gracious, and welcoming. I believe in creating safe spaces to hold whatever work you need to do at the moment. While I offer didactic classes in ritual skills, priestessing, and Reclaiming Witchcraft, I lean heavily into experiential work. I am a neurodivergent Witch who offers magickal containers that support various ways of experiencing the world, our bodies, and the mystical. I hope to be in service to those who feel disconnected from their power and their self-trust. I cultivate spaces of radical acceptance to foster trust and liberation. You are not alone. Author links: Author Website: Author Socials:

Interview with Laura Perry

Interview with Laura Perry

Books featured on our podcast: Ariadne’s Thread: or Labrys & Horns: or The Minoans (releases July 26, 2025): Author Amazon Link: About our Guest: Laura Perry is a Pagan creator who works magic with words, paint, ink, music, textiles, and herbs. She’s the founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne’s Tribe, a worldwide inclusive Minoan spirituality tradition. Her non-fiction books include Labrys & Horns: An Introduction to Modern Minoan Paganism, which is the official guidebook to Tribe spirituality. She has also written Ariadne’s Thread: Awakening the Wonders of the Ancient Minoans in Our Modern Lives, The Minoan Coloring Book, The Minoan Tarot, The Wiccan Wellness Book, and Ancient Spellcraft. Her novels include the Minoan historical MM romance Leap! A Love Story, the Minoan historical novel The Last Priestess of Malia, and the urban fantasy The Bed. Her articles have appeared in Spiral Nature, The Magical Times, Indie Shaman, SageWoman and Pagan Dawn magazines, among others. When she’s not busy drawing, writing, or leading rituals and workshops, you can probably find her digging in the vegetable and herb garden or giving a living history demonstration at a local historic site. Author links: Author Website: Ariadne’s Tribe: Substack: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Mastodon: Minoan Path blog: Pinterest:

Season 2 Announcement

Season 2 Announcement

Season 2 will launch on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. I’ve done something a bit different and pre-recorded videos and I’m getting everything ready to go. Would you like to be a guest on Write Talk Wednesday? I love to talk to authors of all genres, and I’ve been told my interviews are fun. Fill out the form here: Show page: